Facts of market manipulation in transactions with exchange-traded bonds have been established (06.12.2023)
The Bank of Russia has established facts of market manipulation from 17.12.2021 to 29.07.2022 during transactions with exchange-traded bonds1 (hereinafter referred to as — bonds) on organized trading.
The Bank of Russia has established facts of market manipulation in transactions with exchange-traded bonds1 (hereinafter referred to as — bonds) on organized trading
Transactions with bonds were concluded by preliminary agreement by Alexander Vladimirovich Semakin and Lyubov Nikolayevna Okulova, who are relatives, as well as Marat Rashitovich Gaptrakhimov and resulted in significant deviations in price and trading volume. The mentioned persons made mutual deals with bonds in order to learn to trade on organized trades
According to the inspection, these transactions are related to market manipulation in accordance with paragraph 2 part 1 article 5 of Federal Law of 27.07.2010 № 224-FZ «On Countering the Illegal Use of Insider Information and Market Manipulation and On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation» (hereinafter referred to as — Federal Law № 224-FZ).
Semakin A.V., Okulova L.N., Gaptrakhimov M.R. thus violated the prohibition established by part 2 article 6 of Federal Law № 224-FZ.
Bank of Russia sent instructions to A.V. Semakin, L.N. Okulova, M.R. Gaptrakhimov on preventing similar violations in future, operations on their trading accounts were suspended. In addition, measures were taken against A.V. Semakin and L.N. Okulova within the framework of administrative proceedings