Final XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia

Version 5.2 of the XBRL Taxonomy of the Bank of Russia (with adjusted control ratios) in comparison with version 5.2 of the XBRL Taxonomy of the Bank of Russia
ratios) in comparison with version 5.2 of the XBRL Taxonomy of the Bank of Russia,
published on the website of the Bank of Russia on 23.12.2022, contains in itself the
adjustments of control ratios for:

1) supervisory and statistical reporting of insurance organizations and societies
insurance organizations and mutual insurance companies (the control ratios for mutual insurance companies have been adjusted)
ratios for verification of reporting on forms 04201501, 04201542,
04201553, 04201624);

2) supervisory reports of professional
securities market participants, trade organizers, clearing organizations
(adjusted control ratios for verification of reporting on forms
04204155, 04204176, 04204317, 04204448,

3) supervisory reporting of non-state
pension funds (adjusted control ratios for verification of reports on forms
reporting on forms 042025010, 042025411, 042025512,

Details of the changes that have been made to the controlling
ratios, is presented in Appendix 3 of the methodological guidelines
of the relevant taxonomy module.

All other structural elements of the taxonomy remained unchanged.

Version 5.2 of the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia (with adjusted control ratios) recommended
ratios) is recommended for use by professional participants of the securities market, organizers of the securities market
securities market participants, trade organizers, clearing organizations, non-state pension funds
trade organizers, clearing organizations, non-governmental pension funds for the purposes of verification
for the purposes of verification of the generated reports for compliance with the control ratios realized in the
xBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia, immediately before submitting to the Bank of Russia
reporting in the XBRL format

Version 5.2 of the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia (with adjusted control ratios)
should be used by insurance organizations and mutual insurance companies
insurance organizations and mutual insurance companies with taking into account paragraph 9 of Appendix 3 to the Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated 11.2022 No
14.11.2022 № 6315-U
“On forms, terms and procedure for compiling and submitting reports to the Bank of Russia”
insurers’ reports to the Bank of Russia” for purposes of verification of the generated
reporting for compliance with the control ratios implemented in the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia
XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia, immediately before submitting the reports to the Bank of Russia
reporting to the Bank of Russia in the XBRL format

Version 5.2 of the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia (with adjusted control ratios) Version 5.2 of the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia (with adjusted control ratios)
ratios) can be used for the purposes of forming reporting
reporting in XBRL format as well as and version 5.2 of the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia,
which was published on the website of the Bank of Russia on 23.12.2022.

Bank of Russia