XBRL Editor Questionnaire software | Bank of Russia

In connection with increase of the level of security systems of the update server when using the software  “Questionnaire-editor XBRL” version 1.592.825 from 27.03.2023 and below to download the XBRL taxonomy of the Bank of Russia from the update server it is necessary:
– correct the address of the Internet resource in the “Address of the specialized site” field of the “XBRL taxonomy update” window as follows: https://xbrl.ru/personal/anketaredaktorXBRL/taxonomies/;
– click on the “Download version list from the site” button, wait for the download of the version list and close the dialog box, which displays the status of the operation. In the XBRL Taxonomy Update dialog box, a table with the list of versions of the Bank of Russia’s XBRL taxonomy will be displayed.

The table with the list of versions of the Bank of Russia’s XBRL taxonomy will be displayed

To manually load the taxonomy, perform a set of actions in accordance with clause of the Instruction for performing standard operations of the XBRL Editor Questionnaire.