Draft regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia

Public discussion

Draft regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia for public discussion

Draft Instruction of the Bank of Russia “On the Procedure for Communicating Information on the Establishment and Amount of the Increased Additional Rate of Insurance Premiums to Banks-Members of the Deposit Insurance System by the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” Using Information Resources of the Bank of Russia”

Draft Instruction of the Bank of Russia “On the procedure for sending by the Bank of Russia to the State Corporation “Agency for Deposit Insurance” information on compliance of a bank – participant of the system of compulsory insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation with the criteria for payment of an increased additional rate of insurance premiums
insurance premiums”

Draft of the Bank of Russia’s instruction “On the procedure for a bank to apply for its non-classification as a bank paying an increased additional insurance premium rate”

Draft of the Bank of Russia Instruction “On Amendments to Annex 1 to the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 6137-U of May 16, 2022 “On Insurance Rates for Compulsory Insurance of Carrier’s Civil Liability for Damage to the Life, Health and Property of Passengers During Transportation”

Draft of the Bank of Russia Guideline “On Insurance Rates for Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Damage Caused by an Accident at a Hazardous Facility”

Project of the Bank of Russia’s instruction “On invalidation of certain regulatory acts of the Bank of Russia on accounting by non-credit financial organizations”

Draft of the Bank of Russia Instruction “On the form of application (claim) of a creditor of a non-state pension fund under obligations arising from a pension agreement, long-term savings agreement, on early termination of obligations and payment of the redemption amount or its transfer to another non-state pension fund in connection with the reorganization of a non-state pension fund and instructions for its completion”

Draft of the Bank of Russia Instruction “On Amendments to Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 590-P of June 28, 2017 “On the Procedure for Formation by Credit Institutions of Provisions for Possible Losses on Loans, Loan and Equivalent Indebtedness”

Summary table of comments and suggestions on the Bank of Russia’s draft instruction “On Amending the Bank of Russia’s Regulation No. 511-P of December 3, 2015 “On the Procedure for Calculating Market Risk by Credit Institutions”

Summary table of proposals and comments to the draft Bank of Russia’s instruction “On Amendments to the Bank of Russia’s Instruction No. 6406-U of April 10, 2023”

Summary table of comments and proposals on the draft instruction of the Bank of Russia “On the procedure for calculating open positions for currency risk, on establishing the size of open positions for currency risk and the methodology for their calculation, and on the procedure for the Bank of Russia to supervise compliance by credit organizations”

Summary table of comments and suggestions on the Bank of Russia’s draft instruction “On Amendments to the Bank of Russia Regulation No. 421-P of May 30, 2014 “On the Procedure for Calculating the Short-Term Liquidity Indicator (Basel III)”

Draft of the Bank of Russia’s Instruction “On Amendments to the Bank of Russia’s Instruction No. 6007-U of December 8, 2021 “On Insurance Tariffs for Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Motor Vehicle Owners”

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Last updated page: 01/19/2024